Installation Guide

Setup repository, environment and data

First, let’s clone the public git repository and move data into the right folder. For now, we skip explanations about city_data_manager functionalities.

git clone my-odysseus-folder
cp -r /home/det_tesi/a.ciociola/input_simulator/data my-odysseus-folder/odysseus/city_data_manager

Then, let’s install all the necessary libraries.

pip install --user -r my-odysseus-folder/requirements.txt

Configuring simulation input

The folder odysseus/simulator/simulation_input contains configuration files for simulation.

In particular:

  • sim_configs_target.json: contains the name of the configuration to run

  • sim_configs_versioned: contains one folder for each saved configuration e.g. sim_configs_versioned/turin_iscc_set1 contains the configuration for the first set of simulation used in ISCC paper.

Each configuration folder must contain the following Python files:

  • specifies used data source, run mode (single_run or multiple_runs), number of cores to use in case of multiple runs, simulation type (trace-driven or model-driven) and output folder name

  • specifies macroscopic parameters about spatial and temporal configuration, as well as fleet load factor policy.

  • specifies scenario configuration for single run

  • special case of single run

  • specifies scenario configuration for multiple runs

  • specifies vehicles characteristics

  • specifies cost/revenue configuration

Let’s create a new folder for a new configuration:

cp -r /home/det_tesi/a.ciociola/input_simulator/ my-odysseus-folder/odysseus/simulator/simulation_input/sim_configs_versioned/

Modify configurations as you desire, then run the simulator:

cd my-odysseus-folder/
python -m odysseus.simulator

Let’s wait for simulation to finish and let’s check the results folder and the figures folder (figures are created automatically only in single run mode)

ls my-odysseus-folder/simulator/results/Torino/single_run/test
ls my-odysseus-folder/simulator/figures/Torino/single_run/test

Done! Now we can explore our results and eventually produce other analysis and plots.